Building Event-Driven Microservices - Chapter 12 - Lightweight Framework Microservices

Building Event-Driven Microservices - Chapter 12 - Lightweight Framework Microservices

The 4th pattern to build microservices is to use Lightweight Frameworks.

Lightweight Frameworks provide similar functionality to Heavyweight Frameworks, but they heavily rely on:

  • the event broker
  • the container management system (CMS)

In many cases they exceed Heavyweight Frameworks.

Different apps can use any/different resources from the cluster which are better fit their needs. While still provide Scaling and Recovering from Failures (again by heavily relying on event broker and CMS).

Unfortunately currently there are only two fully functional options:

  • Apache Kafka Streams
  • Apache Samza: Embedded Mode

All of these is disclosed in the Chapter 12 of the book we are currently studying:

“Building Event-Driven Microservices: Leveraging Organizational Data at Scale” by Adam Bellemare

Sharing my mind map with all the details as usual:

Download full mind map (PDF)

See also: