Thinking in Bets - Chapter 6 - Mental Time Travel

Thinking in Bets - Chapter 6 - Mental Time Travel

Did you know that losing $1000 and then winning $900 (i.e. getting a result of -$100 in total) is more pleasant than winning $1000 and then losing $900 (i.e. getting a result of +$100 in total)!??

What has happened in the RECENT PAST drives our emotional response much more than how we are doing overall! It is a problem if you are making important prediction.

There are to ways to overcome this problem:

  1. Use The Buddy System
  2. Recruit future yourself!…

Our Rational Answer books club has selected a book for February. It is “Thinking in Bets” by Annie Duke:

This book is written by a multi-million dollar poker tournaments winner (and her brother is also a multi-million dollar poker tournaments winner - so it’s a family business ;))

She teaches how to apply poker thinking to make decisions in financial markets, strategic planning, human resources, law, entrepreneurship…

Final chapter 6 covers how to recruit future yourself and how to deal with related problems:

  • A 10-10-10 tool
  • Dealing with TILT
  • PRECOMMIT to induce Barrier-inducing contract or Barrier-reducing contract
  • Decision “swear jar” (watch-out words for truthseeking group - if you are working ia a group)
  • Mapping the future: Scenario planning, Backcasting, and Premortems
  • Avoiding hindsight bias

Sharing my mind map with all the details as usual:

Download full mind map (PDF)

See also: