Daily Stand-up: You're Doing It Wrong!

Do you use daily standup meetings?
How standard daily standups are organized
Everyone (one-by-one) is asked about: yesterday activities, today activities, blockers.
But this approach has common problem: people are not always listen to others! Because the next person thinks what to say when it’s their turn.
There is a better model - “Walking the Board”
Discuss every ticket on the board one-by-one. The person who worked on the ticket says a few words, can raise any problems that are immediately addressed.
Here is a good video about this approach. I really suggest to watch it:
I like this approach in general.
However when I tried to use it I have found that meetings take much longer time, because we need to discuss every(!) ticket on the board even those that do not really need attention now.
However it seems as s technical issue - I just need a way to better filter tickets into two groups:
- “worth discussing”
- “not worth discussing”
So - looking for a technical solution and using this approach when I see that I can easily filter tasks to only discuss what’s really important.