Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Chapter 11 - Stream Processing

Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Chapter 11 - Stream Processing

Earlier the book club of our company has studied excellent book:

Martin Kleppmann - Designing Data-Intensive Applications

This is the best book I have read about building complex scalable software systems. 💪

As usually I prepared an overview and mind-map.

Chapter 11 discovers all aspects about Stream Processing. If your system needs to process some data on-the-fly then your DEV team should learn this info.

  • Approaches for transmitting events: Direct messaging, Messaging Systems and Partitioned Logs. Their implementations, pros and cons.
  • How to use Streams for databases. Sync databases, Change Data Capture (CDC), Event Sourcing. State, Streams, and Immutability.
  • Nuances of Processing Streams. Useful use cases, reasoning about Time, 3 types of stream Joins, Fault Tolerance.

Download full mind map (PDF)

See also: