Clean Architecture - PART VI - Details

Clean Architecture - PART VI - Details

The book club of our company has chosen a new wonderful book for reading:

Robert Martin - Clean Architecture - a Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design


The part VI undermines some foundations ๐Ÿ˜€:

  • Do you know that Database is a “detail”? An unimportant minor low-level non-essential feature that can be neglected in architecture design!
  • Do you know the same about the Web? It is just an unimportant IO device that should also be neglected in architecture design!
  • What about Frameworks? The same. Don’t marry your framework. Use safe and better remote sex. ๐Ÿคฃ
  • There are several examples of how similar architectures may or may not lead to problems. And what to use to avoid problems (spoiler: Encapsulation)
  • All of the above, and a brief missing advice…

Great information! All the details are in my mind maps:

Part VI - Details

Download full mind map (PDF)

See also: