
Thinking in Bets - Chapter 3 - Bet to learn

Thinking in Bets - Chapter 3 - Bet to learn

Translations: RU

How people should learn by watching outcomes and why they do not learn?

There are many unknown circumstances - so we do not know the real cause of the outcome. Luck also plays a big part here, so we don’t know if it’s luck or skill.

Also we are distorted with our biases:

  • self-serving bias
  • and inverted self-serving bias

How to overcome our biases and learn better?

Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Chapter 12 - The Future of Data Systems

Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Chapter 12 - The Future of Data Systems

Translations: RU
Earlier the book club of our company has studied excellent book: Martin Kleppmann - Designing Data-Intensive Applications This is the best book I have read about building complex scalable software systems. 💪 As usually I prepared an overview and mind-map. Chapter 12 is a summary of the book and a visionary view of the future. Data Integration. Overview of the ways we have to integrate data. Causality and why we need Total Order and Idempotency.