
Building Event-Driven Microservices - Chapter 3 - Communication and Data Contracts

Building Event-Driven Microservices - Chapter 3 - Communication and Data Contracts

Translations: RU
The Event-Driven model heavily relies on the QUALITY of events. Good quality events are: explicitly defined via contracts have comments support evolution with backward and forward compatibility support code generation breaking changes are well thought Good events are implemented using the right tools: use Avro/Thrift/Protobuf formats and never use JSON! use the right event broker (such as Pulsar) Good events are designed to: contain all the info needed by consumers use separate streams for each event type use the right data types for their fields (don’t use string for numbers, use enums, etc.
Communication Genius - Lesson 1 - Communication preparation algorithm

Communication Genius - Lesson 1 - Communication preparation algorithm

Translations: RU

In January 2022, I started the Communication Genius course from one of the best public speaking coaches - to be a bit less toxic and more efficient 🙂

Lesson 1 discovers:

  • What is the purpose of communication?
  • What are the two parts of success?
  • Why should you clearly define and write down your real goal?
  • How to consider your Audience?
  • What is the Format and its elements: Time, Place, Dress Code and Genre and how to use them?
  • How to choose the right Moment? Examples of good and bad moments?