
System Design Interview - Chapter 4 - Design a Rate Limiter

System Design Interview - Chapter 4 - Design a Rate Limiter

Translations: RU
Every popular software should have a Rate Limiter. It prevents DDOS attack, reduces cost and prevents servers from being overloaded. There are some tricky questions to be considered during implementation of Rate Limiter: Where to put Rate Limiter: client-side, server-side, gateway? Algorithms for rate limiting. There are many algorithms with pros and cons: Token bucket, Leaking bucket, Fixed window counter, Sliding window log, Sliding window counter. Your business needs will define the right algorithm.
Travel Industry B2B/B2C solution

Travel Industry B2B/B2C solution

🚆✈️🚌🛳 + Math + Highload + Machine Learning… Two and a half years ago we’ve got a request from the Travel-business IT company, whose B2C IT solution is the basis for one of the world’s largest travel companies that serves over 1 billion passengers every year. What did they want to achieve? They wanted to quickly design and implement an “internal startup” - an innovative B2B/B2C solution for the travel industry.