
Building Event-Driven Microservices - Chapter 13 - Integrating Event-Driven and Request-Response Microservices

Building Event-Driven Microservices - Chapter 13 - Integrating Event-Driven and Request-Response Microservices

Translations: RU
How to integrate event-driven microservices with request-response APIs? There are two types of external events: Autonomously Generated Events (analytical events) Reactively Generated Events (events from request-reply) There are two approaches of processing and serving requests using stateful services: using internal state stores (with silly or with smart routing) using external state stores (with regular or with composite microservice) Ways of handling requests within an event-driven workflow:
Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Chapter 6 - Partitioning

Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Chapter 6 - Partitioning

Translations: RU
Earlier the book club of our company has studied excellent book: Martin Kleppmann - Designing Data-Intensive Applications This is the best book I have read about building complex scalable software systems. 💪 As usually I prepared an overview and mind-map. Chapter 6 contains everything the DEV team should consider when designing storage for big data: Partition aka Shard aka Region aka Tablet aka vNode aka vBucket. It is another approach for storing the data in addition to Replication (reviewed in the previous chapter) How to partition key-value data (primary index).