
Ingenius EMPERA Blockchain and PoM

Ingenius EMPERA Blockchain and PoM

Translations: RU
I accidentally met with the founders of EMPERA blockchain. As you may know, despite the fact that I believe in the blockchain future, I am a bit skeptical about new projects and ideas in this field as there are many pure scams and unprofessional enthusiasts. However, after reading all the papers and after a deep talk with the founders I am now very excited about this particular project. And I want to share with you my insights (as well as a few skeptical unclarities to be 100% honest).
Comparison of Front-end frameworks: Angular, React, Vue

Comparison of Front-end frameworks: Angular, React, Vue

Translations: RU
When you are starting a new software solution need to select a technology for Frontend. There are currently three leading technologies: Angular, React, and Vue. But how do you choose from them? Our team has experience with all of them, but usually the choice is made on the basis “who is available from the team and what they prefer”. I wanted a deeper Pros and Cons comparison, and I found it in great short Udemy course :