Ethereum and Solidity - Lesson 01 - What is Ethereum

Ethereum and Solidity - Lesson 01 - What is Ethereum

Translations: RU

There is quite a high demand for blockchain development these days. We do some experience with it as a company (one complex multi-year project), but personally I only had high-level knowledge and I wanted to improve it…

So me and few of my colleagues have started the course “Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer’s Guide” (https://www.udemy.com/course/ethereum-and-solidity-the-complete-developers-guide/)

Noise - Part III - Noise in Predictive Judgments

Noise - Part III - Noise in Predictive Judgments

Translations: RU

How to measure the noise in our daily decisions?

Which is better - expert judgment or mechanical prediction using very simple models/rules? Surprisingly, the model of you beats you! Even a simple regression model based on your past decisions!

How to make rules/models even less noisy? How can rules/models become more biased sometimes?

Why don’t people always use models (if they are so good) and still rely on their bad judgment?

When do we not need models?

Communication Genius - Lesson 3 - Toasting

Communication Genius - Lesson 3 - Toasting

Translations: RU

I continue sharing my impression and knowledge from the Communication Genius course which I started in January 2022. Lesson 3 is full of useful information concerning SAYING TOASTS. There are tips what to say to be remembered and some phrases which sound good during eating and drinking in informal atmosphere.

Communication Genius - Lesson 2 - Elevator pitch

Communication Genius - Lesson 2 - Elevator pitch

Translations: RU

In January 2022, I started the Communication Genius course from one of the best public speaking coaches. Lesson 2 is full of simple but efficient instructions how to communicate quickly in a stressful situation (ELEVATOR PITCH). There are tips what to say and there are also some things which are better not to use in a quick conversation.

Clean Architecture - PART VI - Details

Clean Architecture - PART VI - Details

Translations: RU
The book club of our company has chosen a new wonderful book for reading: Robert Martin - Clean Architecture - a Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design 👍 The part VI undermines some foundations 😀: Do you know that Database is a “detail”? An unimportant minor low-level non-essential feature that can be neglected in architecture design! Do you know the same about the Web? It is just an unimportant IO device that should also be neglected in architecture design!
Communication Genius - Lesson 1 - Communication preparation algorithm

Communication Genius - Lesson 1 - Communication preparation algorithm

Translations: RU

In January 2022, I started the Communication Genius course from one of the best public speaking coaches - to be a bit less toxic and more efficient 🙂

Lesson 1 discovers:

  • What is the purpose of communication?
  • What are the two parts of success?
  • Why should you clearly define and write down your real goal?
  • How to consider your Audience?
  • What is the Format and its elements: Time, Place, Dress Code and Genre and how to use them?
  • How to choose the right Moment? Examples of good and bad moments?
Clean Architecture - PART V - Architecture

Clean Architecture - PART V - Architecture

Translations: RU
The book club of our company has chosen a new wonderful book for reading: Robert Martin - Clean Architecture - a Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design 👍 Fifth part of the book contains A LOT of useful information: What is software architecture? What type of interdependencies can exist? How to draw borderlines between components? What type of borders exist? How to distribute policies by the levels? What are business rules, entities and use cases?